In the Name of Allah the Most
Beneficient the Most Merciful
The Artist that fashions from
a mere droplet a tulip
Honors the fetus on a lofty
throne to command
Its paragon wisdom mixes life
& heart from water & mud
Its paramount power sequences
the days and the nights
Begets water from clouds and
endows with sugar the cane
Displays with terrific power
“My Glory” made manifest
Once It plays the game of love
with a heart
Shall empty the heart vacuous
from all else
That Salek who is drunken with
the wine of desire [1]
Dressed in a long gown, goblet
in hand, made careless
If Its benevolence nears a
lowly fallen slave
Destines a castle wafting
above the wheel of universe
Loves this dust towards its
destruction’s finale
Unless you muse, cannot grasp
this clement reality
Seeking It, the creation finds
no hint or trace
All this secrecy due to Its
eternal beauty and grace
Lustrous crescent of knowledge
if shines upon someone
Shall illuminate Ansaari like
the darkness of Belal [2]
We called this the Treasures
for Travelers, so those embarking on the Voyage may find guidance.
Chapter One: Argument between
Mind & Love
[1] Salek is the Arabic word for a
traveler from one place to another, in the context of Sufism it means a
voyage towards discovering and knowing one’s own self and eventually
getting to know the Creator in most intimate/personal fashion
[2] BelalMay Allah be pleased with him, was an Ethiopian slave whom
Prophet MohammadPeace Be
Upon Him emancipated and
this slave became the most trusted and a member of the Prophet’s
household and one the most revered believers in Islam. Ansaari brings
tears to the eyes when he talks about the light of Allah’s knowledge
shining upon him so intensely that he is tanned with a dark skin like
the black skin of Belal, hence poetically to mean righteous. For a pale
central Asian this was a revolution and a courageous poetic invention
that has endured to this date.
Background: Lost Boys of
Dara Shayda