Ishari (Vectorial) Taswit (Auditory Exegesis) of Siin (s Sound)

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Reciter: Sheikh Sa'ad Al-Ghamdi
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Ishari (Vectorial) Exegesis is a spiritual faculty for elucidating spiritual experiences felt in one's heart while exposed to Divine Verbiage. There is no learning/ignorance or instruction for Ishara (Vector Pointing); just like a pre-linguistic toddler placed on a beach cannot explain or talk about the waves and ocean but indeed does point at them with his finger and arm! And no one taught him to point.  

As the toddler uses his finger to point at the waves, Ishari Exegesis uses any material or concept within the reach to point at the Divine Words. The viewers of this Ishara are not finding any explanations provided, instead they SEE arrows/vectors pointing from this world to the concepts of the Malakut (Spiritual Realm) and staring along these arrows does help the viewers to see something of the other universe.    

Taswit or Auditory Exegesis is a form of acoustic cognizance ('Urf) allowing the listener to grasp something of the Divine Verbiage by listening to acoustical sounds and compositions, as opposed to verbal explanations. Indeed sounds do carry spiritual CODES within them for human cognitive consumption free of the usual instructional explanations.

Ishari Taswit are acoustic Arrows pointing from this world to the Malakut (Spiritual Realm), by listening along these arrows terrific spiritual concepts are sang and rhymed within.

Ishara 1: Whale


Whales do make underwater songs which propagate terrific distances to identify themselves or to mate or voyage and etc. However they do not open their mouths nor they let out any bubbles of air to generate the sound. Indeed all their songs are sang with mouth closed tight and no bubbles.

This Ishara (Vector) points to acoustic signals generated without the use of any cut or perforation or release of air, serving as a Ta'yyun (Contrast) to the following forms.

Ishara 2: Songbird


Expired air passing through the shape changing syrinx hits the constricting expanding organs within syrinx and such occlusions and obstructions to the passage of the air are what make their songs.

They have to have a cut to their body i.e. the beak and this opening allows for the air to escape and thus the sounds of their songs become airborne and transmitted to other further locations.

Ishara 3: Whistling Wind


"Wind sounds are implicit productions; it is other things' obstructing the wind which causes a sound" . (Andy Farnell, Designing Sound)

Therefore what sounds like whistling-wind to our ears is actually silent wind hitting the rocks, bushes, branches and so on.

Ishara1 + Ishara 2 + Ishara 3, collectively, points as a bundled vector to some wind-like entity that is emanated from the Malakut (Spiritual Realm) into our world and it makes a 'hiss' as in 's' sound, just like syrinx that pushes the air from a larger void through a narrower gap. Or like a ventilation shaft that passes air from a larger volume through a smaller opening of a vent.

Ishara 2 forces the Surat (Constraint) that there is an opening from another universe into this universe and some how this opening is not wide-enough for all the knowledges and cognizances to pass through at once and hence the hiss: from the unlimited to the limited that corridor [1].

This hissing phoneme in the language of the Dhikr is called Siin (letter sounding s in Arabic).

In particular the Prophet peace be upon him ordered the proper writing of the Siin within the Basmala to indicate its importance and need for proper usage and handling of the Divine Letter:

كنز العمال الإصدار 2.01 - للمتقي الهندي
المجلد العاشر >> أدب الكتابة
29566- عن معاوية قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: يا معاوية ألق الدواة وحرف (وحرف: تحريف القلم: قطه محرفا. المختار 99. ب) القلم وانصب (وانصب: نصبت الخشبة نصبا من باب ضرب أقمتها. المصباح المنير 2/833 ب) الباء وفرق السين ولا تغور الميم وحسن الله ومد الرحمن، وجود الرحيم، وضع قلمك على أذنك اليسرى فإنه أذكر لك.

Moreover Ya-Siin is used like the expiration flow of a perpetual call from Malakut (Spiritual Realm) to here, to invoke the Prophet:

Imam Ja'far Sadiq said: Yaa-Siin means Ya (O) Sayyid (Chieftain) addressing the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon them both.

 تفسير حقائق التفسير/ السلمي (ت 412 هـ)
{ يسۤ  وَٱلْقُرْآنِ ٱلْحَكِيمِ }
قال جعفر الصادق - رحمة الله عليه -: فى قوله { يسۤ } يا سيد مخاطبًا لنبيه صلى الله عليه وسلم بذلك قال النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم: " أنا سيدكم " لم يمدح نفسه ولكن أخبر عن معنى مخاطبة الحق إياه بقوله { يسۤ } فهذا شبيه بقول النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قرأ على المنبر:
{ وَنَادَوْاْ يٰمَالِكُ }
[الزخرف: 77].
قوله لأبى هريرة رضى الله عنه - " يا أبا هريرة " وغير ذلك فلما أخبر الله تعالى عنه بالسيادة مبهمًا وأمره بتصريحه صرّح بذلك فقال: " إن الله تعالى نادانى سيدًا فأنا سيد ولد آدم ولا فخر ".
أى ولا فخر بالسيادة لأن افتخارى بالعبودية أجَلّ من إخبارى عن نفسى بالسِّيادة.

Siin is found in Mursalin (Messengers) and Mustaqim (Unbending). The Divine Hiss shapes the latter (Straight Path) and dispatches the messengers repeatedly.

[1]: Comment made by Sayyida Sheila Salim.

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